Spencer F. Eccles Junior Achievement City is Junior Achievement of Utah’s experiential learning center where 5th and 8th grade students participate in an interactive, real-world experience to help them better grasp the challenges and rewards of adult life.
JA City
Spencer F. Eccles Junior Achievement City (JA City) will host over 19,000 5th and 8th-grade students annually. JA City is located in Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum, in downtown Salt Lake City, and is home to over 20 storefronts sponsored by local businesses. Students bring this 10,000-square-foot learning facility to life as they operate banks, manage restaurants, vote for JA City mayor, develop working budgets, and manage their business and personal finances. JA City programs promote 21st century skills including; critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem solving, and communication.

JA BizTown
JA BizTown creates an unmatched experience where 5th-grade students are able to interact within a simulated economy and take on the challenge of fueling a business. Students not only discover the intricacies of being a professional and a member of a community but also discover an abundance of opportunities available within their city.
JA Finance Park
At JA Finance Park, students have the rare opportunity to experience their personal financial futures first-hand. 8th-grade students participate in an immersive simulation that enables them to develop skills to successfully navigate today’s complex economic environment and discover how decisions today can impact tomorrow.
Corporate Donors
JA City Experience Donors
Legacy Wall Donors
Mark & Karen Bouchard
WCF in honor of Dallas H. Bradford
Bertin Family
Don Cash
Vance & Paige Checketts
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Child
Phil Cofield
Randy & Claudean Cox
Mark and Jane Ann Craig
Steve & Dana Daley
Daniels Fund
Spencer F. & Cleone P. Eccles Family
Brandon & Kristen Fugal
Bill Gallagher
Jeremy & Amy Hanks
Ron & Janet Jibson
Fred & Anne-Marie Lampropoulos
Maggelet Family
Management & Training Corporation
Millerberg Family Giving
Bill Moreton
Richard Prows
Smith’s Food & Drug Centers, Inc.
Craig & Christy Tribe
Paul Werner